
We study how global change drivers alter interactions among species (microbes, plants, invertebrates) and the implications on the structure and function of populations and communities.

Our research spans various organizational and trophic levels. Employing an integrative and interdisciplinary approach, our work encompasses molecular biology, physiology, behavioral analysis, population and community ecology, as well as electrical engineering. Our results play a pivotal role in informing ecosystem management strategies.


Our research is expanding into exciting new research areas. Below is a list of some of our current projects and a few innovative ideas we are beginning to explore. For a more detailed info feel free to send us an email!

Physiological ecology

Population and community ecology


Organismal and Environmental microbiomes (metagenomics)

Chemical ecology

Behavioral ecology

Conservation physiology


Wheat leaf rotation infested with aphids


We seek persons interested in fundamental and applied global change ecology/biology. Undergraduate and graduate students: please email me with a CV .

Mitzy Porras

Team leader. Assistant professor, Dpt. Biology. San Francisco State University

Paula E. Ceballos

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

Her concentration is Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology. Her research focuses on studying the effects of drought on rice growth.

Viviana Rios

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

She is specializing in Zoology under her BSc in Biology, dedicates her research to exploring the effecs of heat waves on the interaction between aphids and lettuce.

Jenny Hoffmann

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology.

Her concentration is Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation, she is dedicated to understanding the impacts of heat on the interaction between sugar beet leafhopper and early girl tomato.

Miguel Cabrera

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

He is an undergraduate researcher with emphasis on Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation. He is currently focused on studying parasitism levels of phorid flies in honey bees.

Lioh Arthur Jaboeuf

Visiting Undergraduate researcher

Lioh Arthur Jaboeuf explores the impact of drought and heat waves on Heirloom tomatoes.

Jason Rittenbach

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

He is an Undergraduate researcher with a BSc. in Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Science. His research topic focuses on studying the impacts of heat waves on German Johnson tomato and thrips.

Brenda Penaloza

Undergraduate researcher

Laura Clifton Byrne

Graduate researcher. Integrative Biology.

Her research focuses on the effects of drought and pharmaceutical contamination on aphid-faba bean interaction.

Mónica Medina

Collaborator/ Marine ecology, Professor, Pennsylvania State University

James Marden

Collaborator/ Biology, Professor, Pennsylvania State University

Carlos Navas

Collaborator/ Evolutionary physiology, Professor, Universtity of Sao Paulo

Jesper Givskov Sørensen

Collaborator/ Evolution, Professor, Aarhus University

Sylavain Pincebourde

Collaborator/ Biophysical ecology, Tours University

Tomás López


Michael Hrncir

Collaborator/ Animal physiology, Professor, University of Sao Paulo

Juan Antonio Raygoza

Collaborator/ Researcher, University of Iowa

Geo Santiago-Martinez

Collaborator/ Molecular and cell biology, University of Connecticut

Clemencia Rojas

Collaborator/ Associate professor, University of Nebraska Lincoln

Salvador Meza

Collaborator/Fruitfly Mexican Program. Metapa de Domínguez Chiapas,Mexico

Alejandro Rojas

Collaborator/ Michigan State University

Rodrigo Pinzon

Science & Rock Fest C.E.O.

Río Ñambi Natural Reserve


Planetario de Bogotá-Idartes

2024: Assistant professor, Dept. of Biology. San Francisco State University.

July 2023-Jan.2024: Postdoctoral scholar,  Crandall lab/Rajotte. Dept. Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Penn State University. Insects (Drosophila melanogaster, D. suzukii), soil and Sahara dust microbial diversity

2021-2023: Postdoctoral scholar, Pennsylvanaia Integrated Pest Managment Program, Rajotte. Dept. Entomology. Penn State University. Impacts of multiple stressors on microbiome, physiology, and fitness of solitary bees, predator and herbivore insects

2019-2021: Postdoctoral scholar, Rajotte Lab. Dept. Entomology. Penn State University. Dispersal patterns of Spotted lanternfly.

2017: Fellow researcher, FAO-UN-International Atomic Energy Agency, Laboratory of pest control, Development of a new strain of Ceratitis capitata for the Sterile insect technique

2012-2018: Graduate research assistant, Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D.

2011-2016: Fellow, Colciencias-Fulbright doctoral Scholarship

2010: Researcher, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación

2008-2009: Researcher, honor thesis. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación

2007: Researcher, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria

2004: Researcher, Institute of Biodiversity Research, Alexander Von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia.

Kevin Kennedy

Biology. Penn State. Present: Ph.D. Student Cornell University

David Smilnak

Environmental Resource Management- Water Science Concentration, Penn State 2014-2015. Current position: Ph.D. student, Virgina Tech

Paula Gudiela Orrego

Chemical Engineering. 2022. Fulbright seeder program

21. Porras, M.F., Raygoza Garay, J.A., Brought, M. et al. 2024 Fungicide ingestion reduces net energy gain and microbiome diversity of the solitary mason bee. Scientific Reports 14, 3229 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53935-y 

20. Porras MF, Navas CA, Agudelo-Cantero G, Santiago-Martínez G, Loeschcke V, Sørensen JG, Crandall S, Biddinger D,  and Rajotte EG. 2023.  Extreme heat alters the performance of hosts and pathogen.  Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution. Sec. Coevolution.  https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1186452 

19. Klin O, Phan N, Porras MF, Chavana J, Little C, Stemet L, Biddinger DJ, Reddy G.V., Rajotte EG,Joshi NK. 2023. et al. Biology, GeneticDiversity, and Conservation of Wild Bees in Tree Fruit Orchards. Biology, 12, 31. 

18. Porras MF, Lopez-Londoño T, Duque J, Navas CA, Camargo E, Cuervo J, Gamba D, Castañeda L, Pardo J, Sandoval A, Rajotte EG. 2022. Science & Rock Fest: Connecting People and Science through Music and Arts. American Entomologist. 64.

17. Porras MF, McCartney  N, Raspotnig  G, Rajotte EG. 2022. Chemical footprints mediate habitat selection in co-occurring aphids. Behavioral Ecology. arac076, https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arac076

16. Porras MF, Malacrinò A, An H, Hian Seng K, Socheath O, Norton G, Miller S, Rosa C, Rajotte E, O’Rourke ME. 2022. An integrated pest management package outperforms conventional practices for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in Cambodia. Plant Health Progress

15. Porras MF, Agudelo-Cantero G, Santiago, G, Navas CA, Loeschcke V, Sørensen JG, Rajotte EG. 2021. Fungal infections lead to shifts in thermal tolerance and voluntary exposure to extreme temperatures in both prey and predator insects. Scientific Reports. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-00248-z

14. Porras MF, Navas C, Marden J, De Moraes CM, et al. 2020. Enhanced heat tolerance of viral-infected aphids leads to niche expansion and reduced interspecific competition. Nature Communications. 11, 1184. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-14953-2  

13. Porras MF, Meza JS, Rajotte E, Bourtzis K., Caceres-Barrios CE. 2020. Improving the Phenotypic Properties of the Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) Temperature-Sensitive Lethal Genetic Sexing Strain in Support of Sterile Insect Technique Applications J. Econ. Entomol. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toaa220 

12.  Porras MF, Lopez T, Rosh J, Biddinger D, Calvin D, Rajotte EG. 2020. A method for a long-term marking of spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) using a stable isotope of nitrogen. Env. Entomol. 1-5.

11. Keller J, Rost J, Hoover K, Urban J, Leach H, Porras M, Walsh B, Bosold M, Calvin D, Dispersion Patterns and Sample Size Estimates for Egg Masses of Spotted Lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), Env. Entomol., nvaa107.  

10. Porras M, De Moraes CM, Mescher MC, Rajotte EG, Carlo T. 2018. Viruses promote facilitative interactions between aphids. Scientific Reports 8. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30023-6

9. Carvajalino-Fernández J, Porras MF, Ortega Chinchilla JE, Barrientos L. 2017. Vocalizations of an endangered species: Description of release calls of Atelopus nahumae, an endemic species from the Masiff Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia). Herpetologia 48:273-275.

8. Carvajalino-Fernández J, Porras MF. 2013. Altitudinal and life zone extension of the Harlequin frog Atelopus laetissimus, in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Herpetological Bulletin (125): 18-21. 

7. Carvajalino-Fernández J, Saboyá-Acosta L, Padilla C, Escarraga-Fajardo M, Porras MF. 2012. New records of the harlequin frog Atelopus nahumae, in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia), with notes of its distribution (Anura: Bufonidae). Herpetozoa 24 (3/4):29-36.

6. Porras MF. 2011. Una vibrante y luminosa combinación de colores: nuevas especies de saltamontes payaso Paramastax (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae). [A vibrant and bright color combination: new species of clown grasshoppers Paramastax (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae)]. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 37 (1): 140-144.

5. Porras MF. 2010. The monkey grasshoppers, genus Zeromastax Porras (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae): two new species from Neotropic. Zootaxa. 2669: 34–44.

4. Porras MF, López-Ávila A. 2009. Lethal effects of saponin extracts from Sapindus saponaria on the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: AleyrodidaeRevista Colombiana de Entomología 35 (1): 7-11.

3. Porras MF. 2009. Del Carnaval al estereoscopio (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae), un nuevo género de saltamontes payaso. [From carnival to stereoscope: a new genus of monkey grasshoppers]. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 33(1): 73-79.

2. Carbonell CS, Rowell CHF, Bentos-Pereira A, Porras MF. 2007. Checklist of Orthoptera Caelifera from Colombia. Zootaxa 1594: 39-59. 

1. Porras MF, Bentos A. 2005. Un Eslabón entre dos géneros de saltamontes payaso (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae) una nueva especie de Colombia. [A link between two genera of monkey grasshoppers: a new species from Colombia]. Revista Colombiana de Entomología 31(2): 227-228. 

Book chapter:

Porras MF. 2010. Orthoptera. In: Amat, G. Biodiversidad Regional Santa María, Boyacá, Colombia [Orthoptera: Regional Biodiversity of Santa Maria (Boyaca) Field Guide]. Guía de Campo. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales No. 5. ISBN: 978-958-719-372-5. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 96-103.

Luisa Melo

Biology, concentration ecophysiology of mosses. Tadeo University, 2021-2023

Jhovana Medina



Manual of mutual expectations

Available: Independent study-699-CANVAS


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Viruses promote facilitative interactions between aphids.

Viruses promote facilitative interactions between aphids.


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Trial and error dynamics behind the research on the role of microbes on thermal tolerance Subscribe the channel!----->https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpcPLyggcTHmL_-8PpJu5dQ

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